Diving into Kabbalah
The Art of Divine Oneness
By Dr. Anna Biela 11.02.2025 Wrocław 1:05 pm
As I’ve been diving deep into Kabbalah and exploring its teachings, I came across something that struck me—the fifth level of the soul, known as Yechidah. This is where the soul becomes one with the Divine, where there is no separation, only unity. It was then that I realized the connection to the Turquoise Heart, the 5th Chakra, a chakra not often discussed, but one I’ve felt calling me for some time.
When I researched this more yesterday, I saw the synchronicity—this 5th level of the soul aligns perfectly with the energy of the Turquoise Heart. It’s the space where we tap into the world soul and become one with it. And it was then that I knew: I had to share this.
I invite you to meet me at for MADOA 2025, in the Turquoise Heart, the 5th Chakra, to experience the divine connection where time, form, and separation dissolve. This synchronicity, and the number five that keeps appearing in my life lately, is a sign. It’s all guiding me, affirming that this is the path we must walk.
The HeartGlo global art movement is built on this key principle: learning to reach this state of unity and tapping into the divine connection. Art can unlock this awareness, help us remember that we are all one, and guide us to live in this state of oneness every day.
Let’s open ourselves to this truth. We are all connected, and we are all one.
Side note: In 2005, while being in this state, the HeartGlo Global Art Movement was born.