Synchronicity In Venice, on two different days, two different strangers I met at the bar—both claiming to have sight—told me my aura is purple and the other that I’m a witch with an open mind. It was such a surreal experience, but I’m taking it seriously because I’ve realized this is part of a bigger synchronicity.
I’ve been getting messages like this most of my life, but I can’t see these things in myself. I feel people’s energy, I see their hearts when I look into their eyes, and I talk to Plants, Trees, Animals, Angels, Souls of People, and God telepathically—it’s just part of who I am. But I don’t see auras or know things about others the way these strangers seemed to know about me. It’s like they were reflecting back a truth I’m still blind to.
It also reminded me of something I was told at eighteen: that if God is an energy center, my soul is located on the first ring around God. That’s stayed with me, but now it feels like I need to piece together more of this puzzle. I’m realizing this is like a game, one I have to figure out before I can truly move forward—not just spiritually, but with FLOW heART movement too.
I’m looking for more signs, for more reflections from the people I encounter. If you have the sight or know more about this, I’m listening.